Louis Vuitton Women's Tote Bag Capucines Mini New
1. Sales product name: Louis Vuitton Capucines Mini
2. Initial purchase price (Preventing fraud and resellers by stating the fact of second-hand purchase): 399k
3. Expected selling price: 350k
4. Usage details: New product
I bought it at a 376k official store two months ago.
Now selling over 399k
this is a new product
I have all the box purchase receipts, and there is a product warranty.
I would like to trade directly.
5. Seller Contact: 0917.448.6543
6. Description of contents: I bought it at a 376k official store a couple of months ago.
Now selling over 399k
this is a new product
I have all the box purchase receipts, and there is a product warranty.
I would like to trade directly.
7. Direct transaction area: Cebu it park area